How to Follow Up With New Contacts After Networking Like a Pro

Have you ever left a networking event buzzing with excitement, pockets full of business cards, only to find those connections fizzling out faster than your morning coffee? You’re not alone! Networking isn’t just about showing up; it’s about cultivating relationships, and that takes a little something called follow-up.

As a nutritionist and meal prep coach, I know the importance of consistent effort for long-term success. Just like a healthy habit, nurturing your network requires regular check-ins and genuine connection.

This guide will equip you with actionable strategies to master the art of the follow-up, turning those initial handshakes into valuable, lasting relationships.

Why is Following Up After Networking So Important?

Think of networking as planting seeds. You wouldn’t sow seeds and then walk away hoping they’d magically flourish, would you? Following up is the sunshine and water your new connections need to grow. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  • It solidifies your first impression: In a sea of faces, a timely follow-up helps you stand out and be remembered.
  • It demonstrates genuine interest: It shows you value the connection and are interested in building a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • It opens doors for opportunity: Consistent follow-up can lead to collaborations, partnerships, mentorship, and even new clients or job offers.

Timing is Everything: The When and How of Following Up

The golden rule of following up? Don’t delay! Strike while the iron is hot, ideally within 24-48 hours of the event.

But what’s the best method of communication? Consider these factors:

  • The nature of the event: A casual meet-and-greet might call for a quick email, while a formal conference might warrant a LinkedIn connection request.
  • The context of your conversation: Did you discuss a specific project or shared interest? Tailor your follow-up accordingly.
  • Their preferred mode of communication: If possible, use the method they initiate or seem most comfortable with.

Crafting a Follow-Up Message That Gets Noticed (for the Right Reasons!)

A generic “nice to meet you” message is forgettable. Instead, aim for a personalized and engaging approach:


  • Subject line: Keep it concise and intriguing. Mention the event or a shared point of interest.
  • Opening: Address them by name and reference something specific from your conversation.
  • Body: Express gratitude for their time, reiterate your interest, and suggest a call or meeting to continue the conversation.
  • Call to action: Be clear about your intentions (e.g., “I’d love to schedule a brief call to discuss…” or “I’d be happy to connect you with…”).
  • Closing: End with a professional sign-off and your contact information.


Subject: Catching Up After [Event Name] – [Your Name]

Hi [Contact Name],

It was great connecting with you at [Event Name] yesterday. I particularly enjoyed our conversation about [shared interest/topic].

I’d love to learn more about your work on [project/area of expertise]. Would you be open to a quick call sometime next week?

Best regards,

[Your Name]


  • Personalize your connection request: Instead of the default message, mention the event and something specific you remember about them or the conversation.
  • Example: “Hi [Contact Name], It was a pleasure meeting you at [Event Name]. I was impressed by your insights on [topic]. I’d love to connect and stay updated on your work.”

Following Up After NetworkingFollowing Up After Networking

The Power of Providing Value

One of the most effective ways to nurture your network is by providing genuine value. This could involve:

  • Sharing relevant articles or resources: If you come across something that might interest a contact, send it their way with a brief, personalized message.
  • Connecting them with someone in your network: Remember the phrase “givers gain”? Facilitating introductions can strengthen your connections.
  • Offering support or advice: If you can lend a hand with a project or offer expertise in your field, don’t hesitate.

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint: The Importance of Consistency

Networking is a continuous process, not a one-time event. Consistency is key to building strong, lasting relationships.

  • Set reminders: Schedule time in your calendar to follow up with new contacts and nurture existing ones.
  • Utilize social media: Engage with your connections’ content, leave thoughtful comments, and share their posts.
  • Attend industry events: Make an effort to attend relevant events and conferences to expand your network and reconnect with existing contacts.


Mastering the art of the follow-up can transform your networking efforts from fleeting encounters into meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships. By being proactive, genuine, and consistent, you’ll not only expand your professional circle but also open doors to exciting opportunities. Remember, building a strong network takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

Now, I’d love to hear from you! What are your go-to follow-up strategies? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below.

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John Mitchell
About the author
John Mitchell
John Mitchell is a career coach with a passion for helping individuals reach their professional goals. He offers practical advice on career planning, job search strategies, and personal development.